Friday, March 6, 2009

When is the safest time to sun tan?

I have never believed that the advice to stay out of the sunlight at midday was correct. Now, science is beginning to agree with me. Dr. J Moan and colleagues have explained that vitamin D production by the skin is much greater at midday than in early morning or late afternoon, and that the risk of developing melanoma is also much less at midday.[1]

This is thoroughly explained in my book; a greater percentage of UVA, which can cause damage to the lower layers of the skin, is available in the sunlight in the morning hours. A greater percentage of UVB that stimulates vitamin D production is available at midday. Therefore, the greatest potential for healthful D production and the least potential for damage occur at midday. The researchers stated it thusly: “To get an optimal vitamin D supplement from the sun at a minimal risk of getting cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM), the best time of sun exposure is noon. Thus, common health recommendations given by authorities in many countries, that sun exposure should be avoided for three to five hours around noon and postponed to the afternoon may be wrong and may even promote CMM.”

Let’s face it. Nearly everything we have been told by the sunscare/sunscreen industry is false. And remember that people who are regularly in the sunlight develop fewer melanomas than those who are cloistered indoors, as I have discussed in my previous posts. Another author has written a book called “Naked at Noon.” Sounds like she is on to something!

[1] Moan, J et al. At what time should one go out in the sun? Adv Exp Med Biol. 2008;624:86-8.


madelaine said...

You mean, all the sunscreen companies, which flags their punch line high, are just making the bla bla..

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Unknown said...

I thought that it was always dangerous to tan. We must do it very carefully. Clenbuterol

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Roger Smith said...

Vitamin D3 is very essential for your skin. you need to take more precautionary measures before taking the midday sunlight.
Dr. J Moan explains how important midday sun light is.


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Plan your outdoor activities or lying out between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. During these hours the ultra violet rays are at their peak.
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I think morning sun is the best time for sun tan.Thanks for your suggestions.
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I read the book called “Naked at Noon.” Sounds like she is on to something!
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If you doint want wrinkles and sun damage - NEVER!

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Medman said...

Very interesting article, now I know then I need to have a sun tan.

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